31st December 2018
Why do people think that if something like 'God' doesn't exist and its just evolution that there is no purpose? If anything I think that's a higher purpose than anything really. Not an individual purpose but a collective one. A purpose beyond our possibility of understanding. Evolution is in everything, not just the way living forms change over time. It's in culture, its in language, its in music, its in personality, its in love, its in aging. It's in front of our very eyes every passing day. It's in time. Everything morphs in time. Time is evolution and life is time. All of us, contributing to the growth of the infinite expanse that is the universe, one step, one reaction, one decision at a time. There is less free will than people think. Life is just a series of continuous actions and reactions. As it learns and grows and too evolves it self. Death is not the end. We are here, right now, alive. Being. Existing. And that at all proves in itself that there is something beyond. If we 'exist', can we ever cease to exist? We are energy. Taken a physical form. What is our life force, our spirit, powered on? We ARE the universe. Each and every one of us, we are all tiny pieces of the universe using its energy to be ALIVE.
Just as cells and atoms evolved over time to create us, the universe too is evolving into something more. We are that change. Even if only a tiny glimpse in time, we are a part of it. Down to every individual person. Down to every individual ant.
When we die we do not cease to exist. Our energy returns to the universe and we become one with the cosmos, everyone and everything that has ever existed, exists, or ever will exist. I am you and you are me.
Why be kind?
"Who are we, if not measured by our impact on others? That's who we are! We're not who we say we are, we're not who we want to be - we are the sum of the influence and impact that we have, in our lives, on others."
That's what lives on.
The sheer chance that we are even here, talking, conversing, at the same time, to each other, on the same planet, in this tiny corner of the universe, in this tiny glimpse in time, together, after the 3.5 billion year journey of life on earth, is simply extraordinary. Divine.
Think about space. There is an endless expanse of the unknown out there. No direction but the pull of gravity. And we are here together. We have each other. Just us, living beings on planet earth all sharing the same journey. We are more alike than we have ever realised.
Just as evolution branches off into tangents as does life itself, do people ever really have a choice? Who they are, or what they become? Life is just a continuous series of actions and reactions, influencing life before it's even birthed. It is important to come from this place of understanding, and to always place yourself in another's shoes, through another's eyes. Its possible to break cycles and become self aware through free will. But it doesn't change everything.
I don't just love animals, I respect them. Mother nature. As a fellow life, it's a privilege to have met. We have come this far in the journey of life to meet here in this time. We owe them that respect.
To our knowledge thus far there are several forms of life. First there were the elements. The elemental table of chemicals and minerals from stars and planets and asteroids from space which hit earth and mixed with its own temperature, atmosphere and gravitational pull which was the recipe of creating bacterial life and in turn plant and animal life. As animal life humans are now creating a new form of life which is technology. Perhaps technology and AI will be the next progression of the universes growth through its story.
Humans have an incredible purpose but they are not superior, there is no such thing as superiority and inferiority. Every being has a contribution to the current state of time and being. It's not a bad thing to be equal and it does not dilute the achievement or impact of human purpose. Every living being has a talent and a purpose. It's selfish to believe that in order to have a purpose we must be superior.
"Just a big round rock hurling through space"? Think again.
Humans so happen to have evolved opposable thumbs and great intelligence and are able to utilise the resources found on earth and create tools to uncover bigger and better inventions to transcend what was never thought possible. Aviation, Photo/film, as well as space and deep sea exploration is a good example of this. What would have taken the steady evolution of life millions of years to achieve humans have figured out how to cheat. We can fly and breathe under water without being able to fly or breathe under water.
But isn't that typical of a primate ape species, who is naturally curious and inventive.
There are most likely far more elements and forms of life out there on other planets that we are unaware of. Whether they are only 100 million into the journey of life on their planet or 3.5 billion like us. We are only experiencing some of the few elements that have collided with earth.
Evolution is just life experimenting with itself. Like an artificial intelligence learns how to walk.
The purpose of life?
Experiencing. Experimenting. Discovering. Learning.
The purpose of life is experiencing and progressing with kindness and respect.
Experiencing curiosity.
Experiencing discovery.
Experiencing knowledge.
Experiencing emotion.
Astrology is a link. It makes sense for personality types to be a part of evolution and natural selection and means for experimentation and trial and error. A phenotype of psyche and emotion. Everything in the universe is run on cycles. With different personalities come different reactions, and different ideas. With the magnetic field and the way planets and the solar system influences earth (weather, water, tides, behaviours, links back to SER-X effecting droughts and wars, etc. Other species can see or instinctually feel and influenced by the magnetic field) it makes sense for human beings behaviours as a personality to be influenced by the positioning of the planets. Astrology is true to all animal species.
Free will comes into it but only partially.
Knowledge is power
Through knowledge we evolve
Even on a molecular level
And Evolution is the meaning of life
Humans will wipe themselves out with mass recourse extinction by denying knowledge and science.
We are in the middle of an extinction period.
Being able to separate ourselves from the brutal nature of the world is a PRIVILEGE.
Its like language hasn't evolved far enough for it to translate what I think about.
I can travel through different dimensions through thought. I've looked behind the veil of life. I've been outer body looked at myself through another realm, through the fabric of time and space. I was born knowing all the secrets and knowledge of the universe but no way to translate it.