About Astrology
Astrology is the combination of mathematics, astronomy, and history, all together creating an invaluable tool for pattern recognition. You aren't able to see the true extent to the patterns in history unless you have an anchoring point, and the position of the stars is that anchoring point. Through this, we are able to predict future events.
Astronomy was born from astrology. Astronomy only exists because people many thousands of years ago took notice of the way the positions of the sun and moon would correlate to events on earth and in their societies. Eclipses foretold the fall of kings. It is because of astrology that people valued the positions of the planets and stars and looked up to the sky; it is the reason why astronomy was developed.
Astrology is the matrix coding behind all physical life and time. Sociology reflects astrology. Man takes after the stars.
Click here to read my astrology journey.