12th December 2024

"Let it all be animal, my life and death, hard and clean like that, anything but human… A lot I care, me with my red heart in the dark earth and my tattooed feet following the animal ways."
–– Vali Myers

4th September 2024

"Something in my soul was rising, rising, ceaselessly, painfully, and refused to be still."
–– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

30th August 2024

It will be vast
Peripheral expansion
No edges no borders
Seeing through infinite eyes

༺ ♰ ༻

Look into the future
Find what you want and need
Then be a part of its rise

26th March 2024

Sometimes I wake up at 4am with such a heavy ache in my heart.

It's the immense density and gravity of that pulsing realization that gone really does mean gone and there's nothing that can be done, the pain left behind is astronomical and echoes endlessly. And I can't help but think about it from every angle at the same time. It's as though a supernova exploded and sent silver shrapnel shredding through space-time in all directions like a spray of bullets.

I spend most of my life feeling like I'm bleeding out on the floor.

Like this is all some big hallucination I'm seeing as I myself am dying.

Where time warps and a nanosecond becomes a lifetime, shifting into a new dimension in a long and slow process of reflection and metamorphosis.

Flashes of light, microcosms in time, infinity divided, stretched into vast brackets of perspective.

A state of tormented hibernation, anomalous in the inverse of its idea.

Flaming pilgrimage for each particle as they break down and reform.

A sick, self-inflicted sadism of the soul.

I could never sleep before but these days I have never slept less in my life.

Projectile continuum
Existence collapse
Simulation reveal
You are the singularity.

I long to wake up on the other side of this tunnel

And to ascend from this 5th layer of inception

This deep limbo within dream, within a dream, within a dream, within a dream...

My own Labyrinth of consciousness... where the spinning top never stops spinning.

∞ %

Spinning Top


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